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The nature of live TV changed greatly in 2018, but that didn't seem to matter much at the end of the day. 不管人们是如何获得频道的,也不管他们在什么设备上观看, live TV showed it’s still the most powerful medium around. 在推销产品时,这仍然是制造饮水机话题(或Twitter热门话题)和接触最多消费者的方式. 是的, live TV changed in many small ways, 但从更大的角度来看,它保持不变:它是将我们所有人联系在一起的媒介.

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Not that live video didn’t face challenges in 2018. 今年3月, Parks Associates noticed a growing trend away from live linear viewing. 在你.S. households, 60% of TV viewing is on-demand. But for young adults (age 18 to 34), just over a quarter of viewing time was spent on live programming. With on-demand choices increasing, and with people retaining their viewing habits as they get older, expect live viewing’s erosion to continue.

几个月后,互动广告局(IAB)指出 67% of adults had streamed live video 在某一时刻. Long-form live video was most often streamed on a TV, while phones were more popular for content under 30 minutes.

流媒体行业认识到,让人们接受直播服务并切断有线电视远比让他们接受点播服务困难得多. 虽然点播选项被视为廉价的附加功能——以低成本获得热门节目和电影的方式——但虚拟多频道视频节目分销商(vMVPD)需要完全取代有线电视, 这意味着向观众提供通过付费电视服务获得的所有直播频道和体育节目. Adobe在10月份的报告中称,这是许多人不愿切断电源线的原因之一. 它发现 42%的付费电视用户 认为他们需要保留现有的服务来获得现场体育、新闻和事件. 流媒体行业需要更好地解释人们上网时会得到什么. With channel access varying from market to market, 然而, 即使对那些在这个行业工作的人来说,了解什么是可用的也是令人困惑的.

Sports and Esports Lead the Way

Sports continued to be a significant draw for live video. In April, ESPN launched its long-awaited streaming service ESPN+. 4美元的低成本.99元/月, it’s an affordable upgrade for sports lovers, 但该公司很快解释说,这不是为了取代有线电视, 只补充它. The service offers a variety of sports ESPN doesn’t have room for 在它的许多有线电视频道,包括网球、橄榄球、拳击、板球和大学比赛.


One of 2018’s biggest live events was the World Cup from Russia. BBC称收到了 66.8 million total streaming requests, 56.3 million of which were for live streams, and that demand far exceeded the one from Brazil 4 years prior. 福克斯(Fox)拥有美国公司.S. 该公司表示,其旗下所有网站的浏览量为5.58亿次.60亿分钟的视频. 今年3月, MLB和YouTube 他们宣布将继续合作两季. 该协议包括YouTube TV成为2018年和2019年世界大赛的赞助商, and it brings the MLB Network to YouTube TV subscribers. In June, Amazon bought the rights to stream 20 English Premier League matches 每一季,为期三年. 那个月晚些时候, NFL and CBS extended their streaming agreement 到2022赛季, bringing all NFL on CBS games to CBS All Access, a deal that included Super Bowl LIII.

2018年最大的现场直播活动之一是世界杯,BBC表示收到了66张门票.总共800万请求,56.3 million of which were for live streams.

今年许多最大型的体育直播节目都不是传统体育节目. Esports continued to grow at a fast rate. In June, Goldman Sachs published a report saying esports viewing would soon surpass that of Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League. 2018年,该地区有望每月吸引1.67亿观众. 该公司表示,到2022年,每月用户将达到3亿. Looking at the reasons for esports’ growth, Goldman Sachs credited improved infrastructure, the growing popularity of live video, and rapidly growing prize pools.

尽管消费者在2018年观看了大量的直播视频,但他们也意识到了它的局限性. 体育主播知道他们的在线直播远远落后于广播, and checking their Twitter feeds could spoil the experience. 10月, 凤凰, a company that sells a WebRTC-based live-streaming solution, released survey results showing that 27% of U.S. adults who use streaming services don’t think live streaming is worth paying for. 他们已经被糟糕的体验所折磨,包括延迟和缓冲. The report also said live video has a discoverability problem, 24%的人甚至不确定他们使用的OTT服务是否包括直播. Latency and buffering were hot topics at industry conferences. 虽然不乏提出的解决办法,但问题仍然存在. Will latency and buffering finally be conquered in 2019?


Many businesses latched onto internal live streaming in 2018. 而现场直播以前用于偶尔的公司演讲或全体会议, 它的用途扩大了. A January report from Brandlive said 培训零售员工 最主要的用途是视频直播吗? 56%的受访公司已经这样做了. The next most popular uses were training sales reps, 流媒体CEO市政厅, and training customer service workers. 大多数接受调查的公司都在增加直播视频的预算,并且比点播视频更喜欢直播. 去年11月,创作发布了一份报告,显示大公司正在 60% more likely to stream live events 而不是小公司, 76%的大公司在过去一年中至少直播了一场活动. 它还指出,培训是直播视频最受欢迎的用途, 98%的受访者表示,它使学习变得更好、更快.

Live streaming made huge progress in 2018, 但这一进展表明,要完全取代付费电视,它还有很长的路要走. How much more ground can it cover in 2019? For answers, we turned to some experts.


2019年,视频直播服务面临的最大挑战将是说服消费者去冒险. People are open to streaming all their channels, 布雷特·萨平顿相信, senior director of research for Parks Associates. 但问题很多. First off, consumers want to get a deal. They want to pay less for streaming than they do for pay TV. 但更大的问题是,许多人不知道从哪里开始,也不知道他们有什么选择.

“One of the most common questions we get from friends, 家庭, 其他的是, ‘嘿, 你是做电视生意的. 我怎么切断脐带? What do I need to do for that?’,”萨平顿说. “They’re unsure of the devices. They’re unsure of the services. 他们不确定服务上有什么内容,也不确定定价是多少.”

当消费者甚至不知道他们的选择是什么时,他们很难评估他们的选择. 他们需要决定哪些核心频道对他们来说是必不可少的, what other group would be nice to have, then find options that meet those requirements. 这些都是在手动注册试用和比较不同服务之前的事情.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Qosifire Review: Testing the Live Stream Monitor and Debugger

直播视频没有回旋余地,所以保证质量至关重要. Qosifire提供了一种经济实惠且可定制的方式来监控和调试直播流.

Buyers' Guide to Live Transcoding 2019

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The State of Live Video 2017

All eyes were on Facebook Live last year, 但整个直播行业正在经历爆炸式增长. 体育、电视流媒体和个人视频应用程序都得到了升级.

The State of Live Video 2016

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