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视频:VR 360°直播工作流

远远超过高清或4K, delivering an immersive 360° or virtual reality (VR) experience in a live streaming environment introduces new levels of complexity to the streaming workflow, 从捕获开始,一直到输出. 以下是他在2016年东流媒体大会上的演讲摘录, Wowza系统高级总监, Technical Marketing Ryan Jespersen describes the key elements in the live streaming workflow for VR 360° video: camera and rig, 缝合, 加工和交付, 和输出. 

了解更多关于360 VR直播 流媒体西部.


瑞安Jespersen: 在一个典型的工作流程中真正发生的是你有相机和钻机. 无论你使用的是6 GoPro系统, 12个GoPro系统, 或16 GoPro系统, 你说的是大量的迷你HDMI到HDMI电缆. You need some way to capture that into a device, such as a Magewell USB native HDMI-to-USB 3. 你可以插上电源,但你需要一台具备所有这些输入功能的笔记本电脑. You need 6 USB 3 inputs, or 12, or 16; you need multiple cards to be able to 捕捉它 all. 它变成了一个难以维护的装备.

现在VideoStitch推出了Orah, Giroptic公司推出了他们的360°相机, and they're building all-in-one devices that combine the camera rig and the video缝合 in the same device and make it a lot more portable. As this industry matures, and more people come to VR and 360°, that's going to become the case.

然而,VideoStitch仍然在销售他们的Vahana虚拟现实软件. 如果你想带自己的设备,你正在寻找这个4K电影制作, 你真的把这些带来了, 非常高端的相机. You can still use our software and be able to stitch that together if you have a machine that's strong enough to be able to process all these graphics and stitch it together. 在传统情况下, 很多拼接视频都是通过RTMP出来的, but as you see more and more IP camera models are using a Power Over Ethernet (PoE) switch at the back. You need a power or PoE injector to be able to power the device and then transfer the data over a network. 传统上是通过RTSP完成的,所以它是一个非常低延迟的协议. RTMP和RTSP非常适合传输低延迟. 但是,您不能直接交付到RTMP需要flash播放器的设备. 不使用VLC, RTSP不可用.

如果你想在iPhone上直播VR流, 或者你想在互联网上发送到设备上, 你需要把它重新包装成苹果HLS或MPEG DASH格式, 或者这些有20-30秒延迟的HTTP流协议之一. 它给了我们一个可扩展性和设备的覆盖范围,使我们能够走出去.

这就是Wowza适合的地方. With Wowza, we can do Wowza Streaming Engine, which is what we're doing today in a local environment. You can deploy that software in the cloud on your own data center or you can use our SaaS service or a Wowza Streaming cloud service that's pretty much a deployable virtual model that has a CDN built into it, 然后我们就可以把产品提供给世界各地的用户.

这是一个6摄像头GoPro钻机的例子. 有一些是4摄像头的, 还有一些是圆形的, 然后人们采用同样的想法,使用超高产量的相机. 有趣的是, 你会看到GoPro的视频, and do you really think that GoPro ad that they just spent $5 million for was done using GoPros? 你好不. They're using RED or other extremely high-resolution cameras to create these beautiful scenes that sell us on GoPro. 话虽如此, 用这个特殊的摄影机, you're talking about extremely high resolution on each of these devices but you still need a way to transfer that, 捕捉它, 然后把它们缝在一起. 这就是VideoStitch和他们的Vahana软件的用武之地, 还有其他供应商也在开发这种拼接软件.

这是一个16 GoPro设备的例子. 我想,单是这台GoPro设备的价格就超过了5000美元. 这不是一个便宜的设置. 这张幻灯片展示了VideoStitch Orah. 这只是Vahana虚拟现实软件的截图. 在这个例子中,你可以看到我们有6个不同的feed来自6个不同的gopro. 你可以看到分辨率. 在这个例子中,它的分辨率是1280x960. 然后将它们拼接在一起你可以控制编码和比特率. 您可以控制输出的最终分辨率, 所有这些不同的步骤将它们拼接在一起, and then you can transmit that over RTMP to a streaming server that they can then scale that to a global or even local audience.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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